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Don't Drink the Poison


"Holding Onto Anger Is Like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die." -Buddha

Many of us would do anything to prevent our loved ones from feeling pain, including not sharing our feelings. However most the time that causes more harm than good. When we hold in our feelings we end up stewing on them and resentment builds. As resentment builds silently sometimes we become like a pressure cooker where we will eventually have too much pressure and pop.

Words can both heal and hurt our loved ones so when we blow up we tend to say things that we wish we could take back. The absence of words isolates us and creates distance and space between all involved. So when you are feeling strong feelings use your "I" statements and share your feelings calmly and in kindness. It takes energy to communicate with each other and find resolutions but when two people are dedicated to each other it can bring you closer together.

Also remember you can always reach out to a clinician or mental health practitioner to acquire the necessary skills to communicate your emotions.


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