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Learn to care for your New person with this manual!


"An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.

- Unknown

I love appliances!! I have a robot vacuum and mop because as a working from home mom it is nearly impossible for me to get time to clean and participate in self care. So I need all the help I can get. Every time I buy a new appliance it comes with a manual that tells me how to care for this new "toy."

People however do not come with an owners manual. Trust me with 2 kids I know I walked into this blindly and am figuring it out along the way. However we can assist others by being our own owners manual.

Curious? You may be wondering how do we do this? It is important for each of us to take time regularly to complete a self inventory. When we do self inventories essentially what we are doing is checking in with ourselves and seeing how we are feeling. Did someone say or do something that bothered us? Did some event trigger us? Did we respond out of anger because we were stressed? When we recognize our triggers (things that cause emotional responses) then we can create boundaries in our interactions.

Boundaries are important because they are a way of ensuring that we are important as well. Boundaries are not meant to keep people out but to connect with others on our terms. However it is important for you to develop those terms in a healthy manner.

So like always if you are needing help with setting up boundaries or in having healthy relationships reach out to a clinician or mental health provider. Contact us at Better Tomorrow and we can set up a phone consultation to help you begin your journey to a new and better Tomorrow.



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