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"One day you will look back on this season and know that you are truly blessed, and not because things were perfect but because you found perfect grace in the worst of it."-Morgan Harper Nichols


I know it's been a while since posting but I have found it honestly increasingly difficult to pour into my business. Since my last post I have grown enough to have a steady case load along with my role as a mother and home maker. My son struggled in Kindergarten due to his neurodivergent brain and I felt it was best to have him at home with virtual school... and let me tell you....

I worked in the school setting as a school Social Worker which gave me an appreciation for teachers but even more so now that I have been a support teacher for my children. Needless to say this season in my life has set me a bit behind with my own goals in order to ensure that my children have been able to get their needs met and not come out with more scars than needed from public school. It is difficult as a mother of a neurodivergent child to watch them struggle in a world that was not created for them. Socialization is difficult for my son because physical boundaries are an abstract concept for him. However each time we have had to take his sister to their zone school for state testing his anxiety is vivid as he looks at me in fear asking "mommy you aren't going to leave me here right?"

So in the mist of those personal struggles I have tried my hardest not to give up on my personal dreams. So like I share in my therapy sessions with my clients just becasue we cannot accomplish our goals on our desired timeline doesn't mean we give up on our dreams. So here I am... I have after 2 years become MSTI sex therapist certified and I am working on being a certified yoga teacher. I still maintain my dreams and if they take longer than I'd like thats ok because I wont give up on me.

So my goal is to post atleast one blog post a month ultimately making it to every other week and then weekly. I have to take that mountain and make it into mole hills.



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