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I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you. -Nicole Lyons

Often times when we have experienced trauma we feel like Murphy's law has taken place. If something bad can happen it will. It feels like we are trying to get our lungs full of air but we simply can't. We can't just unload trauma we tend to carry remnants with us for our entire lives. I like to call them our trauma buddies, or those voices in our heads.

However we really just have to options we can sit in a pile of our trauma and let it defeat us or we can continue to fight. " But that is soooo hard, don't you get tired of fighting?" YES every damn day! But if I stop fighting I am literally giving up on myself and then who is left to fight for me. No one. I have been through enough to know that I deserve to fight for some happiness and a small taste or normalcy. So that is what my inherent motivator is, it's the hope for a glimmer of happiness.

You can have it too you just can't give up on yourself. Becoming a survivor of trauma means that we are fighting for that happiness that someone else took from us. It means getting up each day and saying "I'll be damned if they take anything else from me that they were not entitled to take." On those tough days it will be hard to do so but you do it anyway. Why? Because you are the only one who can. Granted if you are blessed to be surrounded by some good people they will become your cheerleaders spurring you on your journey, but at the end of the day only you can put in the work.

So like always if you need someone help getting started on your journey and gathering all the right tools you may need don't hesitate to reach out to us at Better Tomorrow Fl so that we can help you on your journey.



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